Do you think your data has ever been leaked online?
Take Sentry’s quiz to see your risk score
and scan for data leaks instantly
Ever got text messages
about package deliveries
you never ordered?
If you got such a text, your data might be leaked, and someone could be trying to hack or scam you.
We block 49 000 scam texts every month
Sentry’s filters out fake text messages, sending them directly to your junk folder for added protection.
Do you save credit card
details on shopping website
for future use?
Have you ever noticed
unknown charges on your
credit card?
Sentry alerts in real-time for data leaks, enabling swift action to prevent payment details misuse.
What kind of things do you buy online?
You can choose more than one answer
We block 1 700 scam sites every month
Hackers create harmful scam sites that impersonate trusted brands - Sentry blocks them instantly.
Do you use the same
passwords for online
shopping and other
e.g., email, social media, etc.
Do you think someone could guess your passwords?
Over 80% of hacking-related breaches happen because of weak or reused passwords. Your password could already be on the dark web. Are you sure you’re not an easy target?
If a hacker accessed your photos, messages, and accounts right now, how would you feel?
Your private data is worth thousands of dollars to hackers. Once it’s out there, it’s gone forever. Are you prepared to lose control of your digital life?
Let's check, if your data is safe
Enter your email to check if personal data linked to it, or to your device has been leaked. Results will be sent via email message.
Join over a million users who trust Sentry to scan for data leaks and protect against online risks.